During the mini-course we are going to use, aside from this website, the following:


  • Aula Virtual site for Macroeconometrics: from here we will use Black Board Collaborate to make on-line meetings.

  • Jitsi link to make e-meetings. If for some reason the Black Board application fails, then we will make the e-meetings using Jitsi. Be aware that to join the Jitsi-room you will need a password. If finally we have to use Jitsi I will send you the password through your UV e-mail.

  • Etherpad: during the course we are going to make some work with R, we will use an etherpad to collaborate with the code.

  • RStudio Project in the cloud: only to be used for the students that could have some problems with his own computer because they could not install the packages properly. That’s it, 99,999% that we are not going to use this Rproject in the cloud!!


  • Slides: the slides that I used last year to teach the course. Last, and previous, years the teaching was not on-line.

  • Lab. A document that replicates the Gali(1999) paper, providing an example of use structural VAR methodology using R and the vars package.

More resources:

The assignment of the course should be delivered as an Rproject and written in Rmarkdown, then you should know what they are. Don’t worry I will explain this the first day. It’s funny and really useful. You could read the following two tutorials. They are written in Spanish because they come from another course I have. Sorry but I have no time to translate them, but internet is plenty of resources in English.


The slides and the VAR mini-course are based on the following documents:
(and probably some others that I have not remembered at the time of the final making. Thanks to all of them)